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Clay & Breathability?!

What is Breathability?

In construction, breathability refers to a material's capacity to allow the passage of air and moisture through its structure. This characteristic is vital for regulating humidity levels, preventing moisture buildup, and maintaining a healthy indoor environment. Breathable materials contribute to improved durability, energy efficiency, and occupant comfort in buildings.

Why is Breathability important?

In old buildings in particular, it is crucial for them to breathe, this maintains their structural integrity and longevity. Breathability allows moisture trapped within the building to escape, preventing mould, rot, and decay. Without adequate airflow, moisture buildup can lead to structural damage, compromising the building's stability. Additionally, the breathability of materials helps regulate indoor humidity levels, creating a healthier environment for occupants and preserving historical materials. By allowing the building to breathe, we ensure its resilience against environmental stresses, prolong its lifespan, and uphold its architectural heritage for future generations to appreciate and enjoy.

Why Clay?

Clay's porous nature enables it to absorb excess moisture from the air, effectively regulating indoor humidity levels. This feature prevents the accumulation of moisture, reducing the risk of mould and mildew growth, and fostering a healthier indoor environment.

The breathability of clay promotes air circulation within a space, allowing for the exchange of indoor and outdoor air. As a result, pollutants such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are flushed out, leading to improved indoor air quality and reducing the risk of respiratory issues for occupants.

Clay's ability to regulate moisture also extends to thermal comfort. By absorbing and releasing moisture, clay plaster helps moderate indoor temperatures, creating a more comfortable living environment year-round. This natural thermal regulation acts as a natural air conditioner, with rooms feeling warmer in the winter months and cooler in the summer.

The breathable nature of clay contributes to a sense of well-being for occupants. Clay creates a fresher and softer indoor atmosphere, promoting relaxation and comfort.

As a natural and eco-friendly material, clay aligns with sustainable building practices. By choosing clay, designers can create healthier, more sustainable, and more comfortable living space while lowering a project's overall carbon footprint.

Clay's breathability offers numerous benefits for indoor comfort, health, and sustainability. From regulating moisture and improving air quality to enhancing thermal comfort and promoting a sense of well-being, clay plaster is a versatile and environmentally friendly choice for interior finishes.

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